GDW 2001

I was born and raised in Calgary. Grew up in Collingwood near Nose Hill, went to grade school at Collingwood Elementary. Also grew up in Bethel Baptist Church, the church that sprang out of William Aberhart’s religious movement. My parents had been missionaries before I was born, and my father always had one foot in the ministry – the sort of man of God that makes you hate all the phonies. 

I’m a businessman now. Didn’t start out my adulthood on that path. History degree from the U of C. The balance of my 20’s spent in reflection – as dazed and confused as all idealists. Finally meandered toward law in ‘95, like water finding its level. But something went awry on the way to law school. If you want to know what then read my two novels. They’re novels, not memoirs; but I’m not the most imaginative novelist. If my 20’s were spent in self-imposed contemplation, then you could say that my 30’s were spent in state-imposed contemplation. That gave me a good chance to develop and set down in writing my own philosophy: bioism, building on humanism but overcoming its inadequacies. 

My 40’s and 50’s to this point have been the living out of this philosophy. What else can I tell you? Four wonderful children. (An old lady in the park one day complimented me on such a lovely granddaughter…) The greatest wife in the world.

Books Written
Books in Progress
Essays Written
Essays in Progress